KC East Lions Football **AED Mission**

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KC East Lions is a 501c Non-profit Christian, Homeschool organization that provides Junior High & Varsity level high school sports for homeschool students. As the head football coach and board member for the organization, we are always striving to keep our kids safe and this is where I need the help of all who want to be involved. As a small non-profit, we are a all-volunteer force and funding is always minimal since we are driven by fundraising and registration fees to keep our seasons alive. By relying on the generosity of our community, we are seeking an AED to ensure we can combat any on/off field emergency for the sake of our players, staff and fans who may require assistance in any medical emergency. Every second counts when there’s a medical need on the football field so we know that adding an AED to our Emergency Action Plan can vastly improve SCA survival rate. Please consider helping us out with funding so we can achieve the peace of mind knowing that this life saving device can make a huge impact to our organization.

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