
We are a relatively small district in Arizona in the suburbs of Phoenix. Many of our families are lower income. The current AED machine that we have for our Athletic Trainer has been recalled and is old enough that the company won’t replace it. This is taken to all sporting events, including practices and away games. Given the fact that so many young kids are suffering cardiac arrests each year the importance that we have a functioning AED machine is great. Since we are in Arizona, summers are hot, the kids are practicing and playing in extreme conditions and I would hate to lose any of our students because we can’t provide necessary medical equipment. I am the buyer for our school district and have had personal experience with them and I know that they work and was also in a situation where there wasn’t an AED and the outcome was not one anyone would want. Like many school districts all over the country our financial need is great, but if we could get the donations necessary to provide this much needed device and we are able to keep our kids safe, then we have all done our jobs.