Noah’s Bar Mitzvah Project-Blue Playground, Northampton

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Hi my name is Noah Shiloh. My Bar Mitzvah is on September 8th. For my Bar Mitzvah project I am collecting donations for an AED unit for the Northampton Township Municipal Park and playground. This summer my brother, Jonny and I play basketball at this park. I would like to make sure children in my community have all the resources to stay safe. The Simon’s Heart group have done so much for many children by offering free heart screenings. My mom and dad grew up with one of the founders of Simon’s Heart. I also plan on learning how to use the AED unit as well as volunteer at the amazing fundraisers they have throughout the year. I hope you can help me raise the funds so that we can offer a safer environment for me and all children who play at at the playground.
Thanks for supporting me!
From, Noah

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