Keeping Our Athletes Safe On and Off the Field

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My name is Alyssa Voils. I am a parent of an athlete with Javanon Soccer Club. We are a non profit soccer club. With more and more kids playing sports, we are seeing more and more healthy athletes have heart issues that come out of nowhere. Most times we worry about adults without realizing children are just as at risk as adults. My son was born with a bicuspid heart valve. This means that he has two flaps instead of three like everyone else. This makes the opening of the heart valve narrow which can cause blockage. Having an AED at our facility would put my own heart at ease, knowing that if something were to happen, he would have a potentially life saving device readily available. We were lucky to find this in the NICU, while others may go undiagnosed. Having an AED is beneficial to all of our young athletes.

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