Success Stories

Walter Hartwig

Walter Hartwig

Walter Hartwig
Livonia, MO

Date of Event: Nov 23, 2022

15 year old Walter, with no prior symptoms or history of cardiac illness, collapsed at basketball practice. CPR and AED therapy were administered by his basketball coach and school custodian, while the assistant coach called 911. CPR was resumed by a 1st responder, then EMT’s until Walter could be intubated and flown to the nearest PICU.

Diagnosis: Undiagnosed Arrythmia/High risk of sudden cardiac arrest

Treatment: ICD placement

Walter Hartwig
Success Stories

Trevor Newhouse

Trevor Newhouse

Trevor Newhouse
Southampton, PA

Date of Event: Oct 19, 2015

Trevor was playing soccer for William Tennent High School on their freshman team when he was hit in the chest with a soccer ball. He kicked the ball to his teammate and told him he was not feeling well and collapsed. He had a seizure then when into cardiac arrest. One of his teammates dad was on the sideline and noticed what was going on. The parent was a voluntary firefighter. He immediately started to preform CPR on Trevor. There was also an EMT on school property who helped with the CPR. The other EMTs arrived and brought the AED. Trevor was shocked twice. He was taken to Lansdale Hospital then airlifted to CHOP. He spent 4 days in a coma. He was later diagnosed with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. We had not idea because Trevor was a very healthy kid with no symptoms. Before Trevor’s discharge he was implanted with an ICD.

Diagnosis: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Treatment: ICD implant and medication

Trevor Newhouse
Success Stories

Kai Bates-Diop

Kai Bates-Diop

Kai Bates-Diop
Normal, Illinois

Date of Event: Feb 09, 2017

It was a regular Thursday for me at University High school in Normal Illinois. I had a full day of classes and felt great as I warmed up for after school basketball practice with my varsity team. We had just finished a drill, and I ran back to get in line when I said to my teammate, “my heart kind of hurts” and in that moment, I collapsed and went into SCA with no pulse and not breathing. Thankfully my school had 2 trainers at practice and a portable AED. The lead athletic trainer performed over 4.5 minutes of CPR while the other trainer used an AED. My heart was restored back into rhythm after 1 shock, and I had regained consciousness when the EMT arrived. They stabilized me, transported me to a local hospital and shortly there after, I was airlifted to OSF Children’s Hospital in Peoria Illinois, where I received my ICD. For many people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, like me, the first sign of a heart problem is SCA. I never felt bad, dizzy, fatigued or faint. Without the AED and Athletic trainers in my school my outcome would have been very different. I’m active, workout and still play basketball. I am truly one of the fortunate ones.

Diagnosis: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Treatment: ICD

Kai Bates-Diop
Success Stories

Zachary Syska

Zachary Syska,

Zachary Syska,
Fort Myers , Florida

Date of Event: Dec 23, 2017

I was running with my team and I just finished a workout. I felt weird and dizzy, so I sat down near a tree and passed out. I woke up in an ambulance and they told me I went into cardiac arrest. The paramedics told me my coach gave me CPR and EMS shocked me.They took me to Golisano’s Children Hospital. A couple months later I had a procedure for an ICD placement and now I am back to my normal routine. This was a true Christmas Miracle!

Diagnosis: None.

Treatment: ICD placement

Zachary Syska
Success Stories

Maeve Quinn

Maeve Quinn

Maeve Quinn
Norristown, PA

Date of Event: Mar 05, 2018

It was the first day of softball tryouts at my high school. After doing a base running drill, I went to center field for a pop fly drill. As I was running to catch a ball, I collapsed. My coach started CPR while the trainers got the AED. They shocked me twice until EMS arrived. The EMTs continued CPR and shocked me 2 more times. I spent 2 days in ICU and 9 days in the cardiac care unit at CHOP until I had my defibrillator placed. The doctors don’t know what caused my cardiac arrest. My brothers were tested and both had some findings on their stress tests. Now we are all on medication to control our heart rhythms. Diagnosis: Ventricular Fibrillation Treatment: Subcutaneous ICD and medication
Maeve Quinn
Success Stories

Henderson Lentz

Henderson Lentz

Henderson Lentz
Salisbury, NC

Date of Event: Jun 16, 2015

I collapsed while playing basketball at a team camp with my high school at Catawba College. Minutes into the second half of the game, I was fouled in the chest when I attempted to make a shot. Seconds later I collapsed on the court with no pulse. After 11 minutes of CPR by my coaches and an off duty EMT, an AED administered 1 shock and my heart rhythm was restored. The doctors could not determine why I suffered SCA and I do not have a diagnosed heart condition. Currently, I have been released to play basketball and baseball.

Diagnosis: Unknown

Treatment: Implanted ICD, removed due to multiple infections.

Henderson Lentz
Success Stories

Sam Wizov

Sam Wizov

Sam Wizov
Lower Merion Township, PA

Date of Event: July 10, 2015

I was nine years old and on vacation with my family in rural Virginia. Like all 9 year olds will do, swimming underwater…games of who can hold their breath and swim the furthest, when my father saw me at the bottom of the pool. Not moving.  My Uncle did CPR for approximately 26 minutes until the paramedics arrived. After being taken to the closest hospital, I was airlifted to VCU in Richmond, VA. where I was placed on life support and in a coma for six days.

While at VCU I was given an S-ICD, a defibrillator and spent 28 days in the hospital.  I have since had the S-ICD replaced with an ICD and spent an additional 3 weeks at CHOP in Philadelphia, PA.

It has not gone unnoticed by me that an AED played a critical role in my survival.  Along with my Uncle knowing CPR, I would not be alive today without the use of an AED.


Diagnosis:  Long QT Syndrome

Treatment: ICD

Success Stories

Annie FitzPatrick

Annie FitzPatrick

Annie FitzPatrick
Philadephia, PA

Date of Event: February 12, 2016

I was nineteen years old and I stopped by a local convenient store for some coffee. I had just left a doctors appointment. I collapsed and went into cardiac arrest.  Two police officers were at the store too and had an AED device in their car.  I had been having seizures for years but the doctors always told me that it was neurological.  They were wrong. It was a warning sign of my underlying heart condition.

Diagnosis:  Long QT Syndrome

Treatment: Implantable Defibrllator
